- Webmaster


My Name: Parker

City, State: Waco, TX (Herd of it?)

Birthday: 9/8/76 (21 years old)

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Single.

Hobbies: UFO's, Alien's, Ghost, Area 51, Conspiracy's, The Paranormal, Time Travel, going out to the movies and working on this web page.

Computer Used: It's name is "Big Shoe" (Yes I named it). A Clone 586, AMD K-5, 90 MHz, 3.1 Gig Hard Drive, 32 Ram, 33.6 Modem,  8x CD Rom, Windows 95.

Occupation: Student in college at MCC. And working on this web page.

Favorite Movies: T-2, ID-4, Scream and Star Ship Troopers.

Personal Quote: "I think therefore I am. I think."

For my pic click here.

- Web Site Navigator


